From Dr Kim Fox, Head, National Heart and Lung Institute

2012 June 16

Created by Tony 3 years ago

Joseph was an outstanding individual. Professionally, his death is a tragic loss to respiratory clinical academia, he was an extraordinary and extremely talented man. He was a budding clinical academic with a great future ahead of him.  He forged research collaborations with ease throughout the Institute and Imperial and was universally liked, professionally and personally.  Joseph was extremely popular with colleagues, staff, and patients, he was a committed and excellent teacher and a highly talented and industrious researcher.  He was an active member of the NHLI postgraduate research student committee, providing the Institute with a clinical student’s view of research studies and ensuring we provided the best opportunities throughout. 

NHLI strives to support talented young clinical academics and Joseph was the epitome of those we wish to support.  An excellent clinician, dedicated researcher with the best personal qualities one could wish for – caring, enthusiastic, committed, generous and with a great sense of humour.